01. Run eagle-win-6.5.0.exe. (same file from official website)
02. Click "Setup" and the installer will start.
03. Run the installation and then select to "Run as Freeware". Installation completes.
04. Start Cadsoft Eagle software. (Select "Run as Freeware" again if asked)
You will see "Control Panel - EAGLE 6.5.0 Light" as the title of the window.
05. Open Cadsoft Eagle installtion directory and look for 'eagle.exe'
(example: C:Program Files (x86)EAGLE-6.5.0in)
06. Make a copy of "cadsoft.eagle.professional.6.5.0-patch.exe" in the directory in which 'eagle.exe' was found.
07. Run "cadsoft.eagle.professional.6.5.0-patch.exe" as administrator.
08. Click 'Patch' and you're done! You will receive a message in the patch software saying "---PATCHING DONE---"
09. You can now delete "cadsoft.eagle.professional.6.5.0-patch.exe" from the Cadsoft Eagle installation directory.
10. Start Cadsoft Eagle.
You will see "Control Panel - EAGLE 6.5.0 Professional" as the title of the window.