tJmae the two ohaine in our model are intortwilrd,
it is ementitrl for them to untwist if they 8n’ to
separate. As they meke ono aomplete turn arounti
eaah other in 34 A., them will be shout 160 trttncl
per million moleauler weight, 80 th& whatevur thu
preaiae ~NOture of the ahromneame a aonsidcnle
amount of unooiling would be neaea38ry. It is wok
known from micnwroopio observetion thet much
coiling end uncoiling oaaurn during mitosis, rrnd
t.hough this is on 8 muah Isrger mle it probnhly
refleata lliInil8r pmceasee on 8 moleaulsr level.
&hough it is difflault st the moment to see how
these pmoeeees oaaur without everything getting
tangled, we do not feel th8t this objeation will be