According to a worldwide accepted definition, the slow/controlled release
fertilizers are those fertilizers which contain at least one nutrient that either: a)
delays its availability in the uptaking and utilization processes for plants after
application, or b) is available for the plant in a significantly longer period than a
standard considered to be a “quickly available fertilizer”.
The advantage of polymer formulated fertilizers is the releasing of active
ingredients through solubilization in a much longer period of time, as compared to
simple, non-conditioned fertilizers. Thus, the plants benefit of an enhanced
nutrition for a longer period in the vegetal cycle and larger productions are
ensured because of a superior use of the nutrients. On the other hand, the nutrients
are levigated in reduced amounts, thus the dosages of fertilizers can be reduced
According to a worldwide accepted definition, the slow/controlled releasefertilizers are those fertilizers which contain at least one nutrient that either: a)delays its availability in the uptaking and utilization processes for plants afterapplication, or b) is available for the plant in a significantly longer period than astandard considered to be a “quickly available fertilizer”.The advantage of polymer formulated fertilizers is the releasing of activeingredients through solubilization in a much longer period of time, as compared tosimple, non-conditioned fertilizers. Thus, the plants benefit of an enhancednutrition for a longer period in the vegetal cycle and larger productions areensured because of a superior use of the nutrients. On the other hand, the nutrientsare levigated in reduced amounts, thus the dosages of fertilizers can be reduced
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