„You are really the big courage, to be honest, was the dark palace colludes?” immortal Liang Hua is also Cold voice asks.
Before, sun palace palace main and person palace palace host, but must drive him really to commit suicide, therefore the anger in his heart, is opposite party false apology, can subside.
„Sir, does not have, although we are obsessed for a while, may not collude with the dark palace.”
„Senior La Luo, immortal Liang Hua, please again give us an opportunity.” The sun palace palace host, main said with the person palace palace together.
Although they expensive are host of the palace, may in fact also be the generations of coveting life and fearing death, and they know, if they died, the sun palace and person palace also thoroughly ended, therefore barely manages to maintain a feeble existence, they must go on living.
So long as is living, hopeful, because people final, only remembers that your magnificence, but will not remember your disgraced passing.
„My ancient times Elf, was the benevolent master, will not be ruthless to you.”
„Today, you actually must be ruthless to the Chu Feng little friend, therefore whether today lets off you, cannot take responsibility by my ancient times Elf, but must take responsibility by the Chu Feng little friend.” Senior La Luo said.
„Chu Feng little friend, beforehand to the mistake did not say that I really do not know, you are the successor of Sir Qing Xuan Tian.”
„You, if early told me, you were the successor of Sir Qing Xuan Tian, then looked in Sir Qing Xuan Tian, to contribution that my person clan made, I am will not get rid to you absolutely.”
„Now said that 1000 10,000 were late, I had the mistake in first, the Chu Feng little friend must kill to hack, I was entirely according to your convenience, but also invited the Chu Feng little friend, let off my sun palace numerous position Elder and disciple, their this time came this, was listens to me to dispatch, in fact was not their meanings.” The sun palace palace host said.
Later, human palace palace host, said with the sun palace palace main similar words.
They are very intelligent, in front of ancient times Elf, showed the absolute sincerity, as well as absolute base and low, because they did not dare.
But in the Chu Feng front, although displayed the apology, may actually also show the breadth of spirit that a palace main had.
The reason is very simple, even if loses face, cannot throw completely the human, did not result in front of ancient times Elf base and low, but Chu Feng after all was a junior, they were impossible to achieve full base and low, otherwise passed on, they may really not have the face to see the human.
But in fact, the sun palace as well as the person palace palace host, these words have indeed won the sympathies of some people, particularly they all are carry the severe wound at this moment, blood directing current, has not actually processed the wound, is makes the people somewhat sympathize to them.
After all, they are the person clan topest powerhouses, if they died, is the loss of person clan.
As for Chu Feng, his very clear sun palace and person palace two palace main moral behavior, if can elect, he will have killed them really without hesitation.
However Senior La Luo, before and Chu Feng said that words, do not want to make Chu Feng attend to carry out do certainly, but this face, Chu Feng naturally must give.
„You attack my Azure Tree Mountain, 10,000 reasons, person but who my Azure Tree Mountain died, is innocent.” Chu Feng said.
„The Chu Feng little friend, your is Meaning?” Two people look at Chu Feng.
„Capital crime may exempt, the suffering is difficult to run away, your sun palace must give me Azure Tree Mountain certain compensation.” Chu Feng said.
„This does not have the issue, we will certainly double the compensation, loss of your Azure Tree Mountain.” The palace host in sun palace and person palace, nod then without hesitation should under.
This is best resolution format, his sun palace and person palace, inherit for several thousand years, the inside story is abundant, is only the compensation words, that too simply.
„This compensation, must by me.” Chu Feng said.
Hears this words, the sun palace palace host, with the person palace palace host, is the brow slightly wrinkle, but is saying without hesitation: „Does not have the issue, you said.”
„First, if not for today hell palace, the monster flood dragon royal family, as well as four Great clans join, feared that is my Azure Tree Mountain, but also really razed by your sun palace as well as the person palace, these many people, must be killed by you.”
„Therefore, their appearances, not only has rescued my Azure Tree Mountain life, has rescued the innumerable lives.”
„However these influences, to help my Azure Tree Mountain, has actually paid the deeply grieved price.”
„Therefore, you can not compensate the loss of my Azure Tree Mountain, but must compensate their losses.”