The structure of our paper is similar to the previous review papers
and is based on the decision horizon of the planning problems:
strategic, tactical, and operational planning. In Section 2, we
cover the recent literature on strategic planning problems. Section
3 presents the recent developments on tactical planning problems
and Section 4 gives an overview on recent papers about
operational planning problems. Finally, in Section 5 we provide
overall conclusions and a fundamental prospective for future research.
In total, we reviewed 78 papers, of which 28 papers are
on strategic planning, 37 papers on tactical planning, and 13 papers
on operational planning problems. We approached the different
papers by looking at their motivations, the characteristics of
the different encountered problems, and their respective solution
methods. Every section then was built around more or less the
same structure: (1) a description of the conceptual and mathematical
models (2) the solution methods used and (3) the opportunities
for future research based on the identified gaps.