Dimethyl sulfonewas present in all stages of buffalo cow
urine as well as in bull urine. Our finding is in agreement
with the study of Whittle et al. [24] who reported dimethyl
sulfone as being the common compound identified in male
moose (Alces alces). The appearance of such compound
suggests that it could be a common metabolic byproduct
present in the urine of both male and female. Andreolini
et al. [25] reported that urinary volatiles across estrous
cycle of mice differed only quantitatively and not qualitatively
and that there are no estrus-specific compounds in
female mice urine. However, subsequent studies on female
mice urine revealed the presence of a compound, 1-iodo-2-
methyl-undecane, which was considered to be a putative
estrus-specific chemosignal [5]. Further, production of
1-iodo-2-methyl-undecane was reported to be estrogendependent
in females and it enhanced reproductive activities
in males [7].