In the part of quiz and testing, the software
communication mechanism of quiz and testing
proposed in Instructional Management System
(IMS)[1], provided a data model and response method
of testing results for description of testing information.
Applying Question & Test Interoperability (QTI)[2]
specifications, a solution to data exchange for quiz and
testing in quiz authoring tool, quiz database, learning
system and testing system is possible. XML format is
adopted for exchanging data in these sub systems
mentioned above. So programmers don’t need to pay
additional efforts to solve communication problems in
different platforms, they just need to store and handle
quizzes compliant with QTI specifications. Besides,
the QTI standard also provides means to be extended;
users can easily add additional tags to documents
compliant with QTI for fulfilling requirement for
special purposes. The Content Packaging data structure
is also defined in QTI to describe content of quiz; there
are two major components involved: