Various techniques of thin film coating on the other substrates
have been reported [26–28]. Especially, magnetron sputtering was
widely used as an alternative method to coat and synthesize the
thin films on a variety of materials [29–32]. In order to fabricate
TiO2 nanotubes from the Ti layer on the other substrate (Si substrate),
magnetron sputtering was adapted to coat the Ti thin films.
In this work, we present two approaches to investigate both the
morphological time-dependent growth of a TiO2 nanotube layer on
a Si substrate with the possibility of controlling tube's length and
diameter through the PEO process of sputtered Ti thin films and the release
performance of a drug placed in the tubes used as a drug carrier.
A schematic of this drug placement procedure is presented in Fig. 1.
Hence, we suggest that TiO2 nanotubes can be applied to a variety
of biomaterials that are not Ti-based and which otherwise will be
electrochemically impossible to fabricate nanotubes as a drug carrier.