1 Animation In - Choose the intro animation for your caption.
2 Easing In - Choose the easing the transition should use. Easing is the acceleration and breaking effect of the animation.
3 Speed In - The speed at which the caption animates into view, in milliseconds.
4 Delay In - The delay before the caption starts to animate in. Use it when you have multiple captions that need to animate sequentially one after another. If not declared, the caption will animate in as soon as the main slide becomes active.
5 Animation Out - Choose the outro animation for your caption.
6 Easing Out - Choose the easing the transition should use. Easing is the acceleration and breaking effect of the animation.
7 Speed Out - The speed at which the caption animates out of view, in milliseconds.
8 Delay Out - The delay before the caption starts to animate out. Use it when a caption should stay visible longer while other captions pass by. If nothing decalred the caption will animate out with the main slide.