The rehydration ratio (RR) increases with the rehydration
time, is independent of the rehydration process temperature
and the drying pre-processing temperature, even though the
average values indicate a tendency. So, the statistical analysis (ANOVA) explains thatthere arenot significant differences
(p>0.05) between values of RR parameter for samples dried at
different temperatures and between samples with the same
drying temperature and different rehydration temperatures.
Similar results were obtained from the statistical analysis of COR index values obtained in rehydration individual
tests. There were no statistical differences (p>0.05) among
COR values. However, average values ofthis coefficient would
be indicating a greater ability of water absorption in pineapplesamplespre-treatedat45◦
C.This resultisconcordantwith
values of K coefficient obtained from fitting ofthe Page model
(Table 2)to the rehydration data.Other researchers have reported that rehydration characteristics are dependent onthe physical properties ofthe dried
product and the drying conditions (Khraisheh et al., 2004;
Krokida and Marinos-Kouris, 2003).