In the hospitality literature too, there are frequent claims that today’s managers
require very different competences from their predecessors (Becker and Olsen, 1995;
Purcell, 1993; Ghei and Nebel, 1994; Brownell, 1992) but limited empirical evidence to
support this. A study by Gilbert and Guerrier (1997) of managers’ perceptions of
changes in the industry suggests that the hospitality industry has embraced the
discourses of the “new managerial work” and that managers now espouse a consultative
team-based approach to leadership and recognise the need for business and
strategic skills. Similarly, a study by Anastassova and Purcell (1995) comparing
British and Bulgarian general managers suggested that the British managers,
especially those in chain hotels, claimed to be more participative in their style than
the Bulgarians, who are as yet unfamiliar with HRM, TQM and empowerment