In this research, we provide digital contents according to
the user's reality environment by combining with position
information and sensor data. In other words, we build the
digital contents management system according to the
position and needs of the user. In this research, we classify
the user into "Information Provider" and "Information
Receiver", and develop the application for each purpose.
We provide the web application which register position
information on Web-GIS and uploads digital contents to the
server to "Information Provider". And, we provide the
smartphone application which displays 3D objects of the
digital contents received from the server on the digital
camera of smartphone to "Information Receiver".
System configuration of this research is shown in Figure
1. In this system, Information Provider uploads the digital
contents with the additional information such as position
information to the server using a web browser. In this case,
the body of digital contents is stored in the data store
directory, and additional information is stored in the database
On the other hand, Information Receiver can view AR
digital contents by displaying registered digital contents as
AR around the present position on the smartphone. AR
Digital Contents Provider Agent is the agent who uploads
digital contents to the server. On the other hand, AR Digital
Contents Receiver Agent is the agent who views digital