The aim of this work is to evaluatet he stability and release of chitosan beads loaded with volatile molecules of Mentha piperita essential oil (E.O.) in a cosmetic formulation. The ability of the beads to quickly release
Mentha piperira E .O. during use of a cosmetic formulation such as a bath foam is also assessed. The chitosan
Beads were produced with three different chitosan dispersions gelled with two different gelling solutions:
(a) a 10% solution of sodium hydroxide( NaOH) and (b) a 4% solution of sodium tripolyphosphat(eT PP).
A few properties of six bead samples loaded with Mentha piperita E .O. are assessed. The properties are
Morphology, size, swelling ability, encapsulation efficiency, stability in time, and fast release of Mentha
Piperita E .O. during the use phase o f the cosmetic formulation.