tThis present study investigates the extraction characteristics and optimal parameters of the microwave-assisted extraction of pectin from waste mango peel (WMP). Microwave power, pH, time and solid–liquidratio were selected as the extraction parameters and was studied by using Box–Behnken response surfacedesign. The experimental data was analyzed by least square regression analysis method and a secondorder polynomial model was constructed for response from the experimental data. The constructed modelwas adequate to explain the relationships between independent variables and response. All studied fac-tors had great influence on the yield of pectin by individually and interactively. The optimum microwaveassisted extraction conditions for the highest pectin yield (28.86%) from WMP was found to be: microwavepower of 413 W, pH of 2.7, time of 134 s and solid–liquid ratio of 1:18 g/ml. The experimental value waswell correlated with predicted value at the optimal condition.