The adoption of Y-STR markers beyond those available
in commercial kits has been especially rapid within the
genetic genealogy community over the past few years.
Differences in allele nomenclature between the various
genetic genealogy DNA test providers have lead to frustration
and confusion on the part of many users. This
article describes the issues behind STR allele nomenclature
designation and provides some specific examples.
NIST has developed a Standard Reference Material
(SRM 2395) that has certified values at many of the
Y-STR markers used by the genetic genealogy community.
We strongly encourage its use to enable compatible
and calibrated measurements to be made between different
Y-STR testing laboratories. With Y-STR markers
that go beyond those currently characterized in SRM
2395, we encourage DNA test providers to supply their
results back to NIST so that we can track the usage of
different Y-STRs. “New” markers showing high
usage can then be considered for inclusion in future
SRM 2395 certificate updates.