The secondary extraction phase involves mining the back or bottom or overcut or undercut portion of the ore body (Figure 7.7 ) An overcut is a pass cut above the primary extraction horizon, and an undercut is a pass cut below the primary extraction horizon These elevation changes are gained via ramp access normally driven at 10%. Ventilation raises are cut between levels approximately every 213 linear meters (700ft). The decision about which practice to follow is based on total ore thickness or the amount of separation of ore by nonore-bearing strata. Ore with thicknesses of extraction less than 15.2 m (50ft) is mined as a back or bottom from the first pass. If the ore is over 15.2 m (50ft) thick or is separated by thick beds of nonore-bearing rock, an overcut or undercut is taken above or below the main pass, and a horizontal sill pillar is left between the passes. To maintain stability, a sill pillar is no less than 4.6m (15ft) thick. In areas where the sill pillar sufficient grade, it is generally mined out during the tertiary extraction phase along with the vertical pillars (Figure 7.7)