Day 1: Orange Juice Only
Drink several 8oz glasses of fresh-squeezed organic orange juice as desired during the day. Drink it slowly.
The orange juice prepares the digestive system to properly digest and assimilate regular food. If there has been any digestive difficulty prior to and during the change over, extra water may be taken with the orange juice.
Day 2: Orange Juice, Vegetable Soup
Drink several 8oz glasses of fresh-squeezed organic orange juice during the day - with extra water if needed. Some time during the afternoon, prepare an organic vegetable soup (no canned soup) as described below. Make enough for 2 meals. Have the soup for the evening meal using the broth mostly, although some of the vegetables may be eaten. Organic whole grain rye wafers may be eaten sparingly with the soup, but no bread or crackers. Store the remaining soup in the refrigerator.