Saving money is the key to preventing financial problems that may occur at the individual should have a certain amount of money to spend in the future. It does not save money, but should be the amount you or your family have sensitive enough only for financial solutions. Savings are summarized as follows.
1. Everyone has the amount of money to keep spending money to buy things they want or need in the future, such as spending time as necessary emergency illness or old age and retirement.
2. The income and returns from savings to offset the inflation is the increase in the future as a dividend on their investment. Interest on deposits The difference of the purchase price - selling the property.
3. The economic security for families. By bringing savings to buy a big property. Expensive without an overflow of debt, such as buying a home buying cars .
4. The money saved for the plan in the future, such as for study abroad investment opening do administration around the world, etc.
5. There is an old heritage savings descendants or to donate to charity or social assistance.