I, myself have received a beautiful wave of energy just on the peak of the eclipse as I was meditating during it (4.47AM CEST) in my crystal circle. I was doing my audio Meditation transmission from the Pleiadians of this Blood moon and this wave that came in felt like an inner buzzing vibration of an explosive frequency. A very powerful buzz which focused extremely around the head area ~ front and back. I was experiencing heavy headaches for 2 days prior to the Blood Moon which were instantly gone after my meditation.
What I noticed, and could not miss after repetitive messages, was that the phrase “let go of all and the old, burn bridges behind you” came through in all sorts of ways.. This phrase kept on repeating itself 2 days prior to the Blood Moon and even during it. I was guided to set up a vortex and sacred space with my crystals so I just let myself be guided by AA Metatron and made one in my room. When finishing it, I saw the repeating pattern of 4 circles with the amount of crystals adding up to or being a 7. 7-7-7-7 was formed which becomes 28 when you add these. In Europe the Blood Moon was on the 28th which seems strangely coincidental.