education in Thailand is divided early year education, basic education, vocational education and higher education.
Thailand's educational system is divided into three levels:
Level 1: first three years of school (Nursery school)
KG1 to KG3 – 3 years to 5 years old
Level 2: Primary or elementary school (Prathomsuksa or Prathom)
P1 to P6 – 6 years to 11 years old
Level 3: Secondary school (Mattayomsuksa or Mattayom)
M1 to M6 – 12 years to 18 years old
Secondary education is divided two levels:
-junior High school level takes 3 years of studies M1 to M3
-High school level takes 3 years M4 to M6
and Vocational Education students may choose to adopt this more practical of education.