The Internet is a mirage for many, which can easily sweep them away, especially children. Although an unlimited source
of very useful and insightful information, the Internet also
comes with challenges which should not be ignored especially by parents. Since children nowadays are extremely eager to accumulate as much information as possible, Internet is their new playground.
New threats in the 21th century are the social networks along with blogs, a phenomenon which has exploded in the past years. This comes in addition to the preexisting situation determined by chats, sites with adult content only, violence, drugs, alcohol and tobacco, to name just a few. And even if we are not talking about life threatening aspects, we are still facing a major problem: Internet addiction, which might not even be a recognizable
issue for many of the parents. Children
start spending time in front of the computer from the early stage of their life, at first even being encouraged by their parents, who are delighted with the progresses made by their little ones, but little do we know that all the marketing information received conscious or not will end up shaping part of their behavior.