College students face a number of pressures. For instance, financing college can be a daunting task with rising price of tuition. Also, the price of books is skyrocketing and adds up to be quite a large sum by the time that are all purchased. Paying for these get s to be almost overwhelming and many students go far into debt to cover these. With the cost of living expenses and having extra money for entertainment always escalating pressures involving college students add up. Another big issue would be the problem of time management. For example, having to attend class each day, complete homework by the assigned due date, attend work to be able to pay for the rising costs of college, and trying to maintain a personal life with friends and family can lead to a real time management problem. Family obligations can be a huge commitment as well. Taking care of family members or children takes a vast amount of time too. There are simply not enough hours in the day to try to balance and complete all of these tasks. When added up all of these issues begin to cause many students to feel overwhelmed.