3 Client and engagement acceptance and continuance
The client and engagement acceptance and continuance process is a fundamental element of our overall systems of risk management and quality control.
We assess the results of our client and engagement acceptance and continuance process at the beginning of the audit to determine the effect on our risk assessments and audit strategy.2
We do this to validate that the decision to accept/continue the client and the audit continues to be appropriate and address in our audit strategy matters raised that indicate potential risks of material misstatement.
An important consideration during the client and engagement acceptance and continuance process is our assessment of the integrity of management. This is due to the influence that management has on the entity’s operations and on the recording and reporting of financial results.
The partner in charge of the audit determines that the appropriate procedures regarding client and engagement acceptance and continuance, including obtaining all necessary approvals, have been performed. The partner in charge of the audit validates that the conclusions regarding client and engagement acceptance and continuance are appropriate, based on our understanding of the entity and its industry sector.3
If, at any time during our association with the entity, the partner in charge of the audit obtains information that would have caused us to decline the engagement had we been aware of it, he or she communicates that information promptly in accordance with EY’s policies.4
Refer to the Global Assurance Policy Manual 2.7 Acceptance and Continuance of Assurance Clients and Engagements for further guidance.
We incorporate our understanding of the entity that we obtain as we perform the client and engagement acceptance and continuance process into our understanding of the business (refer to UTB).
As we plan the audit, we address matters noted during the client and engagement acceptance and continuance process that are relevant to our assessment of risks of material misstatement.5
EY’s client and engagement acceptance and continuance process requires that we categories the entity using an appropriate risk designation.
If the entity is designated as other than ‘low risk,’ we include in our audit plan the risk factors from Global Tool for Acceptance and Continuance (GTAC) that caused the designation. We also incorporate the necessary additional actions or procedures into our audit strategy and audit plan to address these risk factors.6
3 Client and engagement acceptance and continuanceThe client and engagement acceptance and continuance process is a fundamental element of our overall systems of risk management and quality control.We assess the results of our client and engagement acceptance and continuance process at the beginning of the audit to determine the effect on our risk assessments and audit strategy.2 We do this to validate that the decision to accept/continue the client and the audit continues to be appropriate and address in our audit strategy matters raised that indicate potential risks of material misstatement.An important consideration during the client and engagement acceptance and continuance process is our assessment of the integrity of management. This is due to the influence that management has on the entity’s operations and on the recording and reporting of financial results. The partner in charge of the audit determines that the appropriate procedures regarding client and engagement acceptance and continuance, including obtaining all necessary approvals, have been performed. The partner in charge of the audit validates that the conclusions regarding client and engagement acceptance and continuance are appropriate, based on our understanding of the entity and its industry sector.3 If, at any time during our association with the entity, the partner in charge of the audit obtains information that would have caused us to decline the engagement had we been aware of it, he or she communicates that information promptly in accordance with EY’s policies.4 อ้างอิงสากลประกันคู่มือ 2.7 ยอม รับนโยบายการต่อเนื่องของ ลูกค้าประกัน และงานสำหรับคำแนะนำเพิ่มเติมเรารวมเราเข้าใจเอนทิตีที่เราได้รับขณะที่เราดำเนินการไคลเอ็นต์และความผูกพันต่อเนื่องและการยอมรับการเป็นเราเข้าใจธุรกิจ (ถึง UTB)ตามที่เราวางแผนการตรวจสอบ เราอยู่เรื่องสังเกตระหว่างการหมั้นและลูกค้ายอมรับและการต่อเนื่องที่เกี่ยวข้องเพื่อประเมินความเสี่ยงของวัสดุ misstatement.5 ของเรา ต้องของ EY ไคลเอ็นต์และความผูกพันต่อเนื่องและการยอมรับกระบวนการที่เราประเภทเอนทิตีโดยใช้การกำหนดความเสี่ยงที่เหมาะสม ถ้าเอนทิตีจะถูกกำหนดเป็นไม่ใช่ 'ความเสี่ยงต่ำ" เราไว้ในแผนของเราตรวจสอบปัจจัยเสี่ยงจากเครื่องมือส่วนกลางสำหรับการยอมรับและต่อเนื่อง (GTAC) ที่เกิดจากการกำหนด เรายังรวมการกระทำจำเป็นเพิ่มเติมหรือขั้นตอนในแผนของเราตรวจสอบกลยุทธ์และการตรวจสอบเพื่อ factors.6 ความเสี่ยงเหล่านี้
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