Abstract - The subject of the research of this paper is
modeling of the business intelligence system in area of credit
risk analysis on the basis of data contained in the credit
bureau. The information contained in a credit bureau give a
specific view of the banking sector, based on volume of
credit activity, current indebtedness of citizens and
companies in banks and in other credit institutions and can
be a good input in providing signals for monetary and fiscal
policy creators. For the regulators, such as central banks, it
is extremely important to control the credit risk exposure
and monitor any possible deterioration in order to take
adequate measures to prevent adverse situations. Therefore,
during the research the basic decision making models for
credit risk analysis from this perspective were identified
and, in accordance with that, an appropriate data mart and
OLAP models were developed. The developed system was
tested on data from the case study company, The Central
Bank of Montenegro, which is owner of credit registry in
Montenegro. The results were very good and significant
improvement of the performance of business processes was