Urban and rural areas
In order to protect public health, landfill sites should not be
located near residential areas. According to the Iran Department
of Environment guideline, disposal of MSW at a distance less
than 10 km from residential areas is not allowed. In addition,
according to the Iran Department of Environmental guideline, the
distance to an airport should be more than 8 km to prevent bird
hazards. In this study, the airports were buffered base on this
guideline. A distance to a residential area of less than 2 km was
given a 0 score and a distance of more than 10 km was given the
highest score of 10 because many of landfills in Iran have not
been operated in a good manner. Distances of 2–5 km and 5–10
km were allocated scores of 2 and 5 scores respectively. The
results are shown in Figure 3.