F. Descriptive Statistics of Organizational Commitment
Table 9 shows the mean and standard deviations for the three organizational commitment dimensions under study which are affective commitment, normative commitment and continuance commitment. The table indicates that affective commitment is the highest among frontline employees within the banking sector in Jordan (mean= 3.45, std. Deviation= 0.61398) followed closely by the normative commitment (mean= 3.34, std. deviation= 0.81637). The lowest type of organizational commitment among the employees is continuance commitment (mean= 2.67, std. deviation= 0.82844). On average, frontline employees have the moderate commitment within the banking sector in Jordan (mean= 3.15, std. deviation= 0.75293). difference in the extent of normative commitment according to the participants’ gender. Male employees have a higher normative commitment than female employees.