Analyze and investigate the relationship between revenue and receivables
Run the Correlation (2-way) report in EY EAGLe for the revenue and accounts receivable accounts. Note: When performing these procedures, consider refining the general ledger accounts to improve the correlation.
► Review the results in the Correlation Summary tab and determine whether the double-entry analysis meets with our understanding
► Supplemented by our understanding of the business, investigate the difference between the cumulative activity amounts for each account in the CorrelationSalesAR tab. Note: value-added taxes (VAT) is often the cause of a correlation difference between revenue and accounts receivable.
► Identify and evaluate the effect on revenue of those journal entries which do not have a double-entry posting to receivables by investigating the ‘other sales activity’ in the Change in the sales balance table within the Correlation Summary. Investigate any journal entries that do not meet with our expectations by using RemainingSalesactivity tab.
Document the analysis of postings between revenue and receivables. We also document the results of our investigations, e.g., the results of our inquiries and procedures to corroborate those inquiries.
Update the documentation of our understanding of SCOTs as appropriate.