The water hyacinth was reduced to small sizes with the aid of a sterile sharp knife and then blended, experimental and other details are described by6,7 to achieve near-homogenous slurry with the dung for easy entry into the inlet pipe of the digester. Two kilograms of the fresh pig dung was weighed into a big clean bowl, using a weighing balance; two kilograms of the blended water hyacinth was also weighed into the same bowl, making the mixing ratio 1:1. Three kilograms of fresh pig and a kilogram of blended water hyacinth were weighed into another cleaned dried big bowl (ratio 1:3), after which same litres of clean borehole water was added to the materials separately to form slurries. Two sterile rods, which had been cleaned with 95% ethanol, were then used for the mixing of the slurries and after the desired consistency had been gotten, the slurries were fed into the digester separately.