The clinical outcomes of the 75 FMT courses are summarized in
Table 2. Overall, FMT resulted in durable clinical resolution of
diarrhea for 59 of the 75 FMTcourses, for a primary cure rate of 79%.
Two of the patients with clinical resolution reestablished and
maintained normal bowel habits post treatment, but continued to
test positive for C. difficile toxin, and were presumed to have
become asymptomatic C. difficile carriers. Additionally, two of the
59 patients who resolved their diarrhea failed to provide a post FMT
follow up stool sample for C. difficile toxin testing, but remained
asymptomatic at 60 days, which suggested a clinical cure. Sixteen
patients (21%) failed to resolve their RCDI after the FMT. Nine (56%)
of these 16 patients responded to a subsequent course of treatment
with vancomycin, with complete clinical resolution of their CDI, for
a secondary cure rate of 91%.