If a Species board ever has its Population value reduced to “0”, the species becomes extinct. The Species board and all attached Trait cards are discarded. The player then draws a number of new Trait cards equal to the Trait cards lost due to the species going extinct. If a gap was created between the player’s Species board row, the gap is closed by moving the remaining Species boards closer together.
The game can end one of two different ways. Both are triggered when the Trait draw deck is exhausted and the discard pile needs to be shuffled to create a new Trait draw deck.
If the Trait discard pile is shuffled to create a new draw deck during phase 1 of the round, the game ends when the round is completed.
If the Trait discard pile is shuffled to create a new draw deck at any other time during the game, the game ends when the next round (not the current round) is completed.
When the game ends, players count their points.
Each player earns 1 point for every Food token in their Food token bag.
Each player earns points equal to all their Species board Population values.
Each player earns 1 point for every Trait card attached to a Species board.
The player with the most points wins the game. Ties are broken by determining which player has the most Trait cards.