This report focuses on establishing the foundation mathematics needed to support the study and practice
of electrical engineering with emphasis on the undergraduate level.
To strengthen communication between communities of mathematicians and electrical engineers, we
have prepared this document to highlight the areas of mathematics that are most applicable to the study
and practice of electrical engineering.
For outcome objectives, we propose that the mathematics taught to undergraduate electrical engineering
students should help them in developing skills to:
1. Formulate problems in electrical engineering from real life situations,
2. Conceptualize the outcomes of electrical problems,
3. Simplify complex problems and estimate the reasonableness of solutions,
4. Visualize solutions graphically from inspection of their mathematical descriptions,
5. Visualize the form of a time function by inspection of the poles and zeros of its frequency transform,
6. Be able to mathematically model physical reality,
7. Perform rudimentary analysis in electrical engineering,
8. Validate solutions to electrical engineering problems.