Coal reburning for cyclone boiler NOx
control was selected during Round II of
DOE’s CCT Program. In April 1990, The
Babcock & Wilcox Company (B&W) entered
into an agreement with DOE to conduct
this project. The project site was
Wisconsin Power & Light’s (WP&L) 110-
MWe (gross) cyclone-fired Nelson Dewey
Unit 2 (Cassville, Wisconsin). WP&L
served as co-funder and host. The tests
were conducted by B&W. Sargent and
Lundy engineered the coal handling
equipment. Additional team members
and co-funders were the Electric Power
Research Institute (EPRI), the Illinois
Department of Energy and Natural Resources,
and 14 electric utility owner/
operators of cyclone boilers. DOE provided
46% of the total project cost of
$13.6 million.