Laos rituals and beliefs shellac. A belief in ancestral spirits is good. The spirit of Lao times it is considered ancestral ghost ghost ghost boss and angels. Respect to influence the Lao times. Even in terms of lifestyle. Whether it's a ritual or daily life. It will need to engage with the ghosts of ancestors as main occupation is farming Kung Lao is traditionally believed. A common practice is to fertility ritual offerings to Heaven and Mother Earth Mother goddess of grain before sowing Mother Earth by placing a notice placed on the ground at the head of the ridge and said to Mother Earth. And then ask people to farm. Buffalo's Wellbeing Do not let a broken rocking disc harrow grab just the arable soil. This ceremony is a dialect called in hacked ceremony ceremony on faith Alternatively, funeral, when the bodies of the dead into the ark. If a man would use cloth covering the whites of the deceased on the lid. If a woman is covered with cloth chest of the deceased. And will burn clothing of the deceased, such as cloth, silk, silk sarongs, silk purple rose plants or sarong cloth Shawl shirts etc. to burn.