B. Priority areas of focus moving forwards:
Moving forwards the Government prioritizes…
- Stronger enforcement of labour legislation, including minimum wage, OSH, and non-discrimination
- Longer-term coherent policy on migrant workers, including access to services and the ability of migrant workers to change employer
- Strengthening oversight of recruitment agencies, brokers, and recruitment fees charged
Moving Forward the Workers organizations prioritizes…
- Promoting ratification of ILO conventions 87 and 98, and promoting the rights of migrant workers to establish their own unions
- Providing support to growth of migrant worker movement
- Providing services to migrant workers, including legal aid
- Provide assistance to migrant workers in negotiating with employers
- Participate in and support the implementation of the GLP
- Advocate within union movement to allow Burmese workers to join
Moving forward the Buyers prioritize…
- Advocacy, Training and awareness raising on labour rights throughout the supply chain
- Supporting enhanced monitoring of suppliers’ compliance with national labour legislation and ILO fundamental principles and rights at work
- Supporting proactive improvements of recruitment and employment practices, with special attention to promoting regularization of migrant workers
- Commit to continue sourcing in Thailand
- Supporting creation of factory guidelines on labour standards, including through GLP
- Further, using GLP to promote FoA and CB
Moving forward the Thai private sector prioritizes…
- Ensuring full compliance with national labour legislation and ILO fundamental principles and rights at work in company recruitment and employment practices
- Allowing freedom of association and organising of workers, including migrant workers
- Monitoring practices of sub-contractors, suppliers, recruitment agencies and brokers, to ensure protection of migrant workers’ rights
- Upgrading primary processing units, including through implementation of GLP
- Provide safe working environment
- Denounce child labour, forced labour, discrimination, human trafficking
- Support establishment of complaints mechanism
- Support freedom of workers to change employers, within Thai law