A conceptual model of PIU has been developed based on primary data collected from addiction researchers,[12] psychologists, and health providers as well as older adolescents themselves.[1] That study identified seven concepts, or clusters, that make up PIU using a concept mapping approach.[13] These seven clusters are: psychosocial risk factors; physical impairment; emotional impairment; social and functional impairment; risky internet use; impulsive internet use; and internet use dependence. The last three constructs have not been previously identified. Risky internet use are behaviors that increase risks of adverse consequences. It is not just the amount of time spent on the internet that puts an adolescent at risk; how the time is spent is also an important consideration. The impulsive use construct describes an inability to maintain balance or control of internet use in relation to everyday life. Finally, the dependent use construct reflects the more severe symptoms that are typically associated with addictions, such as withdrawal symptoms. Thus, internet addiction may represent a severe form of PIU.[1]
Other research also stresses the fact that the internet addiction disorder is not a unidimensional but a multidimensional construct. Various facets of internet use must be differentiated because of their differential predictors, mechanisms and consequences.[14] Online activities which, if done in person, would normally be considered troublesome, such as compulsive gambling, or shopping, are sometimes called net compulsions