In accordance with the principle that land-use efficiency is
the crucial factor, the sectors with the worst land-use intensity
should be restricted; thus the sectors of medicine, instruments,
and machinery were classified as restricted industries.
Given their higher economic benefits, the electrical, transport,
and food and beverages sectors were classified as dominant
industries. The materials and primary products and paper and
printing reproductions sectors should develop as assistants to
the dominant sectors, because of the higher industrial relevancies
between them and dominant sectors. Finally, two sectors,
processing of agricultural products and textiles and apparel,
are classified as emphasized industry, because the former could
assist the development of the agricultural sector, and the latter
could provide more employment opportunities.
In accordance with the principle that land-use efficiency isthe crucial factor, the sectors with the worst land-use intensityshould be restricted; thus the sectors of medicine, instruments,and machinery were classified as restricted industries.Given their higher economic benefits, the electrical, transport,and food and beverages sectors were classified as dominantindustries. The materials and primary products and paper andprinting reproductions sectors should develop as assistants tothe dominant sectors, because of the higher industrial relevanciesbetween them and dominant sectors. Finally, two sectors,processing of agricultural products and textiles and apparel,are classified as emphasized industry, because the former couldassist the development of the agricultural sector, and the lattercould provide more employment opportunities.
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