COMPLETE FUUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS LIST. The functional requirements are those relate to the actual work or business your software is trying to model such as reserve room, check-in, change password, etc. The non-functional requirements are those related to the environment of the software such as interface requirement, platform / architecture requirements, performance requirements, and so on. Here you must list all the functional requirements in tabular form grouped by related functions such as each use case or each activity. You must be very detailed to include ALL know requirements. Each requirement will be validated during design phase and then again in product delivery phase. For example, just the login aspect must be fully detailed to include rules on acceptable password, disconnect account if incorrect password for 5 attempts, what to do if someone forgot password (email one-time password), role based security to access each form/control/report, creating new user (with option to make inactive when resign from company etc.), changing password by user, changing password by admin, password expiry after _60_ days, etc.