Biorotors or Rotating Biological Contactors (RBC) are an attached growth process which consist of a plastic trickling media partially submerged (about 40%) in wastewater, coupled to a slowly rotating shaft. The rotation and subsequent exposure to oxygen allows organisms to multiply and form a thin layer of biomass.
Suspended solids are removed thanks to the friction between the media and the water during rotation.
They are widely used as secondary treatment in Plants subject to seasonal load variations and for Nitrification and Nitrogen Removal.
If correctly designed a Biorotor offers higher performances compared to other attached growth processes, thanks to the lower applied organic load per biological mass unit, the longer retention time in the biological phase and a better control of hydraulic short circuits.
Refill-tech, using its structured fill media TFM, can make made to size modules, called BRM (Bio Rotor Media), which can fit any type of Biorotors’ metallic frames: this allow us to satisfy both the project engineer who has to design a new plant, and those companies which have chosen this technology in the past but are unable to find spare parts.