As the gyro precesses around the Y axis, the sping on the right end of the spin axle will be extended. The stretched spring will then apply a downward force on the end of the axle and,in effect,will apply a force at B and D. Thus force at B and D results in a precessional motion about the Z axis in the direction in which the base is turning. When the gyro is precessing about the Z axis at the same rate of speed as the base is being turned externally,thre is no longer any force being exerted at point C and A. This means that the gyro will stop precessing about Y and will hold its position. If,however,the rate at which the base is being tured, one of the springs is displaced enough to precess the gyro at a rate equal to the rate of turn. Whenever the base is stopped, the springs restore the gyro rotor to the neutral position.