Ergonomics can be defined as the study of work.
Ergonomics is the science of designing the job to fit the
worker, rather than physically forcing the worker’s body to
fit the job. Global market competition has placed
manufacturing companies under pressure to improve their
working environment. Industries require higher production
rates to remain competitive. As a result jobs today are
involved working in awkward postures, lifting awkward
items, repeating the same motion throughout workday and
working at a quicker pace of work. This factor creates
physical stresses on worker’s body which leads to MSDs.
MSDs occur when physical capabilities of the worker do not
match the physical requirements of the job. Excessive
exposure of risk factors can cause the damage of the
worker’s body and lead to MSDs. In this paper, the impact of
bad body postures on MSDs was found out using postural
analysis tools. The RULA & REBA methods were used to
find out the scores of working postures.