The dominant tree species at the study site was beech
(F. sylvaticaL.) which covers more than 90% of the area.
Other tree species includeCarpinus betulusL.,Betula
pendula (Roth), Quercus petraea (Matt.), and Larix
decidua (Mill.). Understorey vegetation is undeveloped
due to the dense canopy closure. The average stand age
was 30 years in 1996 with the stand density of 3800 stems
, and basal area of 19.6 m
. Average tree height
and circumference (at 1.3 m) were 12.7 m and 227 mm in
1996, respectively (Granier et al., 2000). Thinning activity
was undertaken in 1999.
ต้นไม้ชนิดที่โดดเด่นที่เว็บไซต์การศึกษาคือบีชThe dominant tree species at the study site was beech
( (F. sylvaticaL.) which covers more than 90% of the area.
ต้นไม้ชนิดอื่น ๆ Other tree species includeCarpinus betulusL.,Betula
pendula (Roth) petraea pendula (Roth), Quercus petraea (Matt.), and Larix
ผนังมดลูก พืชผักที่ได้รับการพัฒนาเป็น decidua (Mill.). Understorey vegetation is undeveloped
เนื่องจากการปิดหลังคาหนาแน่น อายุยืนเฉลี่ยdue to the dense canopy closure. The average stand age
30 was 30 years in 1996 with the stand density of 3800 stems
1 1
และพื้นที่ฐาน , and basal area of 19.6 m
2 2
ฮ่า1 ha
. Average tree height
and circumference (at 1.3 m) were 12.7 m and 227 mm in
1996, respectively (Granier et al., 2000). Thinning activity
was undertaken in 1999.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..