The shaman is highly respected in the Nenets as in yukaguirs He is the mediator between the spirit world and the earthly world If a man is ill, it is a spirit attacked To appease the shaman must contact the responsible attitude and convince them to abandon their evil actions In his bag, it retains its magical objects: tambourine, bells, mask, magic stones and especially the stick, wand of our legends
The shaman must not make himself a stick They make them for each other Stick with a length of 120 cm, is covered with snake skin or silk At the top of the stick, we set a metal figurine mind bolo mala as a bearded old man It is the spirit of the master shaman stick that shows the way Basically, we set a knife is fashioned iron or a bulge The stick symbolizes the horse or deer With the horse, the shaman went into the worlds below and deer in the worlds above
The shaman is the living memory of the history of the Nenets he transmits to his clan singing legends fireside