The paper disc method is a well-established method [8] among all the antibacterial assay methods and hence employed in this work. Table 1, 2 & 3 showed a remarkable activity (8.0 mm zone diameter of inhibition) showed by the water extract of A. ochracea. The activity of the water extracts of A. ochracea against E. coli (Kanamycin resistant strain grown on LB agar) was 7.0 mm (zone diameter of inhibition). All the three plants showed good antibacterial activity against the three selected strains of E. coli. Water extract of showed comparable zone of inhibition against E. coli (MTCC), E.coli (ampicillin resistant) & E. coli (kanamycin resistant) variety cultured in nutrient agar media respectively. Again, the acetone extract of A. ordata showed the highest zone (6.0 mm) of all the three orchids against E. coli (ampicillin resistant) variety cultured in ampicillin suspended LB agar media respectively. To the surprise, the water extract of A. ochracea showed maximum zone (7.0 mm) against E.coli (kanamycin resistant) variety cultured in kanamycin suspended LB agar media. The growth of respective strains of E. coli in ampicillin and kanamycin suspended LB agar showed their resistance property, but the selected orchids inhibited the growth of drug resistant E. coli strains showing their high antibacterial efficacy [1, 10, 13-14]. The work also signifies the earlier findings on various antimicrobial activity of orchid [15, 16] and validate the findings that the presence of alkaloid in orchid may be the reason for this efficacy.