Young Dendrobium phalaenopsis orchid plants were
obtained from Orchid Garden, Ratchaburi, Thailand. Shoot
segments with one to two meristematic auxillary buds (6–
15 mm) were excised. These shoot pieces were washed with
soap and tap water three times and immersed in antiseptic
solution (5.25% sodium hypochlorite with a few drops of soap)
to disinfect the surface. After that the shoot segments were
rinsed several times in sterilized distilled water to remove the
antiseptic solution and non-attached tissue. Meristematic
auxillary buds were excised from these shoot segments and
cultured in liquid modified VW medium [23]. Dendrobium
orchid protocorms three months of age were obtained from the
Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory, Chatuchak Weekend Market,
Bangkok, Thailand.