Fighter’s Requirements for Promotions
Dear Trainers and Fighters
As I am sure that you are all aware that each and every Combatant must have a current medical book in order to compete on any combat event.
No book, no fight, no exception.
Please insure your fighter’s weights are correct so there will be no compromise and/or disputes at the actual weigh in time.
The weigh in for this event will be at the Ritz Hotel 350 Forrest Road Hurstville Cnr of MacMahon Street across from the Hurstville Entertainment Centre.
Thursday 27th August, 5pm sharp. Please notify myself if you are unable to attend at this time, you will be weighed in at the venue after 6pm.
Please be on time.
If your fighter does not provide all the above required information then your fighter will have subsequently jeopardized their position to compete in this event.
If there are any questions you need to ask please do not hesitate to contact me. Regards John Ioannou