An employee population with limited knowledge or a fear of Web technology
must be educated to use new technology and understand how to navigate it to easily
find the tools available. Intranets are not an “If we build it, they will come” phenomenon
(Weiss, 2007, p. 23). Employees must be convinced that the effort it takes to master
the intranet will eventually lead to a more efficient and satisfactory job performance. If
not, these users will eventually turn to alternative ways of executing their tasks, and the
intranet will be underutilized and irrelevant (Cozijn et al., 2007; Royal & SunAlliance,
2000). Intranet developers should avoid using technical language and instead educate
employees on individual components that will quickly enhance job performance (Weiss).
If employees understand the intranet, it has a better opportunity to succeed (Royal &