Currently AIA Premier Academy has an existing database management process and training report systems which is still based on human work. We have the challenges to transform ourselves by replacing it with technology in order to improve the system below.
1. Electronic attendance sign in and sign out.
2. Online registration (including allowing Leaders to registration on behalf of their Agents)
3. CPD hours (Continuous Professional development) /Tracking reporting and others essential report.
4. e-Learning & Assessment (preferably to migrate your e-Learning system into the LMS)
5. Analytics for tracking the effectiveness of the training programs.
6. Others (such as mass communication, email confirmation to Agents, landing page course/information announcement)
7. access with browser, tablet and mobile devices (iOS and Android OS)
Learning Management System (LMS) will help make data management, reserve training courses, efficient training support and be able to use the database& report for planning and teaching more easily and quickly.
We require to use system software for adopt database management tools to distribute Learning Management System (LMS) to users, Electronic attendance sign in and sign out, tracking of CPD hours, interaction history, reporting and analysis and management report.
High Level Executive Plan for Proposed Solution