was added. Maintaining a temperature of 43
C, the resulting
yoghurt samples werefilled into coded screw capped glass jars,
inoculated with 3% (w/w) yoghurt starter culture and incubated
(Gallenkamp Incubator Plus Series, England) at 43
C for a period of
2.5 h. To determine the incubation period and to monitor fermentation progress, a separate control yoghurt (yoghurt without carrot
juice and 0.6% gelatin) was prepared to which pH probe was
inserted, concurrently incubated in a thermostatically controlled
water bath (43
C). The incubation of the experimental yoghurt was
terminated when the pH of the control yoghurt reached 4.7. The
yoghurt samples were then immediately cooled by transferring
them from the incubator to a refrigerator (4
C) and then stored for
24 h. The effects of carrot juice and stabilizer addition levels on the
physicochemical and microbiological characteristics were reported
based on yoghurt samples analyzed in triplicate after 24 h of