2. Trust building model
The overall theoretical model (Fig. 1) posits that two sets of antecedents—structural
assurance of the web and two vendor-specific factors (perceived site quality and perceived
reputation)—influence a user’s trusting beliefs in (perceptions of the attributes of a specific
web vendor) and trusting intention towards a web-based vendor. Trusting beliefs and
trusting intention together constitute what Rousseau et al., 1998; McKnight et al., 1998
called trust. Trusting beliefs, trusting intention, and perceived web risk, in turn, influence
consumer intentions to engage in three specific behaviors: follow vendor advice, share
information with the vendor, and purchase from the site. While trusting beliefs and trusting
intention—willingness to depend form the essence of cognitive-emotional trust in the
vendor, the behavioral intentions are outcomes resulting from that trust. Direct links are
also posited between trusting beliefs and willingness to depend, as discussed in greater
detail below.