Next open up the se_usermode.rar in winrar or unpack to a folder (doesnt matter where).
Go to your cheat engine plugins folder (default C:program files x86cheat engineplugins)
drag and drop / copy and paste the files from the rar into your plugin folder.
Files are usermode (folder) and umstealtehdit-x86_64.dll and umstealthedit-i386.dll
start cheat engine (32 bit, or i386 version)
click on the right under the icon where it says settings.
or just click Edit > Settings
Click the plugins tab > Add new.
navigate to your ce plugins folder. add the i386 version dll.
Put a check in the box for the plugin, hit okay.
close ce, and finally go into ce folder rename:
cheatengine-i386.exe > anythingyouwant.exe
k now set up is done.